The Number

How can you understand a man without understanding his life's work and the incredible legacy left by him?

Avagadros number, or 6.0221367x10^23. The incredible discovery made by Italian physicist Amedeo Avogadro, who postulated in 1811 that equal volumes of gases, at equivalent temperatures and pressures, contain the same number of molecules. This discovery, now called the fundemental law of chemistry was incredibly brilliant especially for its time. Unfortunately Avagadro would not live long enough to realize his incredible contribution to the world of chemistry. His works and expirements were considered careless and without backing. His works were not published in popular journals and did not reach far into the mainstream. Avagadro's works were finally used in chemistry almost 50 years after his death. A colleague of his Stanislao Cannizzaro, showed how the use of this number could be used to solve many complex problems and gradually gained acceptance.


the legacy continues...